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Epsom Youth Athletic Association


From November through February or early March EYAA offers basketball programs for students in grades PreK-8th.

PreK/K Skills & Drills Clinic (Coed)

The PreK/K program consists of a skills clinic that takes place on Saturday mornings in the ECS Gym. No traveling. These skills clinics teach the basics of basketball by focusing on dribbling, passing and shooting. Baskets are lowered to 8' for the younger children. This program is a lot of fun as we have some of our older players from EYAA and ECS basketball programs help lead and teach our younger players at multiple skills stations. Last year we had over a dozen student helpers who earned over 70 community service hours. This program starts in December and runs through the end of February. There is no registration deadline for this program.

1st/2nd grade (Coed)

The 1st/2nd grade program consists of a practice that takes place on Saturday mornings in the ECS Gym. This practice will consist of building on skills from previous skills clinics.  Players will focus on dribbling, passing and shooting as well as learn game play. Games will likely occur immediately after practice on Saturday mornings.  Additional games may be incorporated into the season to allow for further instruction and development. Baskets are lowered to 8' for the younger children. This program starts in December and runs through the end of February.

3rd/4th grade (Boys/Girls)

The 3rd/4th grade program continues the skill building process along with learning basic basketball offensive and defensive concepts and strategies. Teams will practice one weeknight 6:30-8 pm and play home and away games on Saturdays. They play full court games with 10' baskets, score clock and referees. Win/Loss records are not kept at this level and will end the season with a whole league skills competition. Practices and games will start in December.

5th/6th grade and 7th/8th grade (Boys/Girls)

The 5th through 8th grade programs consists of a more in depth focus of basketball skills, concepts and game play. Teams will practice one weeknight 6:30-8pm and will play home and away games on Saturdays. These levels play approximately 10 games and ends the season with a best match up game and skills competition. Practices start in November with games starting in December.

Note: For the 6th/7th/8th grade players, who also have the chance to try out/play for the ECS school teams, I would advise to register your child before the deadline if they may be interested in playing for an EYAA team. This will help us get estimated player numbers to be able to register teams with the leagues. It will also secure a spot for your player should they not able to play for the school team. Players can play both school team and EYAA. If we do not meet the number of players needed, you will be refunded your payment. Team/Player placement will be first to sign up, first in line until the roster is filled. Max per team will be 12 players.


The EYAA Basketball program relies heavily on volunteers, both parent and older student/players over the course of the season. For the 3rd-8th grade programs volunteers to run the time/score clock, sweeping the court, set up and break down of the gym bleachers. For the K-2nd grade clinic both parent and older student/player volunteers are welcome.

If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering or refereeing, please contact our EYAA Basketball Commissioner at [email protected] .
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